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Greetings Friend,

Calm. Feeling calm. Providing calm. Enjoying calm. And, perhaps most importantly . . .  Sharing in calm. We feel the stress and strain each day as we strive to meet timelines and deadlines. The same is true for today’s kids as they grapple with the academic, athletic, and artistic pressures that come from their school existence or the absence of their normal school routine. Compound this with the social stressors that are inherent (and more acute these days) with adolescence and what results is a mental and physical atmosphere in which calm is often completely absent. 

Now . . . think about what life is like for the individual and group traveling on the water or trail. Experiences where relationships are predicated on how you treat each other rather than social media ‘likes,’ ‘tags,’ or ‘followers'. Experiences where the day’s schedule is based on sharing meals, sunrises and the work required to arrive at that evening’s destination. Experiences in which calm is the norm and not the anomaly. There is such a profound power in this simplicity and it is something that could not be more important for kids these days. 

I ask that you help us in giving more kids this chance for calm and to share in this calm with others. Please consider starting this New Year by supporting our Paddling Together campaign.

With sincere appreciation and gratitude,

Jason Lewis, Chair Constituent Relations

Board of Directors
Phoebe Knowles, Chair
Maddy Vertenten, Vice-Chair
Susannah Ross, Treasurer
William Porter, Secretary
Hardin Coleman, Director at Large
Christopher Foster
Jason Lewis 

John Moses
Louise Moses
William Nuckols
Kathryn Stauffer

Advisory Panel
Katherine Finnegan
Josephine Moore

Gail Coleman, Executive Director
Benjamin Simmons, Assistant Executive Director

Emeritus Circle
Libby Moore, in memoriam Founding Director & Chair

Follow us!

Red Canoe Foundation | 608-469-4752 | gcoleman@redcanoefoundation.org

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