Dear Friend, One of the more notable things about paddling together in a section in the wilderness is the absence of man-made noise outside of ourselves. When you sit quietly together, you can hear the breeze, the water, the sounds of living creatures in their own habitat going about their day without the intrusion of people. It was in this environment that I felt I could begin to better hear my section mates, and to be heard by them. Days without the distraction of TV, electronic music, video games, (FaceTime or Zoom calls) allowed us to fully share ourselves. It’s so rare, yet so important for youth to experience. In my camp sections, we often sang our way through the day, or chatted together between canoes, feeling tied together and unified by the sound traveling between us over the water. Long days and challenges were many, but it’s these memories that often come back to me and bring with them the sense of joy and belonging. Paddling together often means facing challenges, but it is also a joyous time. Please join with Red Canoe Foundation and paddle together with us toward our goal. With joy and a full heart,   Katie Stauffer, Co-Chair Marketing |