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Dear Friend,

We have some exciting news! An anonymous donor has issued a challenge grant. Between now and June 30th, if 15 first-time donors make a contribution to the Paddling Together campaign, RCF will receive $15,000. 

If you have not had the opportunity to give before, now is a great time to paddle with us.  Maybe you could share this challenge with those in your own “section” who may also wish to join for the first time.

So far this year we have raised 65% of our ambitious goal of $125,000.  This challenge will boost us towards the finish. 

Gail EK Coleman, Executive Director

Board of Directors
Phoebe Knowles, Chair
Maddy Vertenten, Vice-Chair
Susannah Ross, Treasurer
William Porter, Secretary
Hardin Coleman, Director at Large
Christopher Foster
Jason Lewis 
John Moses
Louise Moses
William Nuckols
Kathryn Stauffer

Advisory Panel
Katherine Finnegan
Josephine Moore

Gail Coleman, Executive Director
Ben Simmons, Assistant Executive Director

Emeritus Circle
Libby Moore, in memoriam Founding Director & Chair

Follow us!

Red Canoe Foundation | 608-469-4752 | gcoleman@redcanoefoundation.org

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